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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an age requirement?

  • Yes, we require that you be at least 18 years of age, No Exceptions. However we encourage future members to interact with us at our public events whenever they are hosted to introduce themselves!


What is living history?

  •  Living history is an activity that incorporates historical tools, activities and dress into an interactive presentation that seeks to give observers and participants a sense of "stepping back in time". The Alberta World War Living History Association does this by wearing the uniforms that the historical era wore, using the equipment they would have used, and live with absolute authenticity at our events.


Are we a part of the Canadian Armed Forces?

  • The Alberta World War Living History Association is NOT a part of the Canadian Armed Forces. However, we have many members currently serving, or have served that are active in our society.


Is there a place for women in historical reenactment?

  • The Alberta World War Living History Association believes that women are a vital part of history either through maintaining the war effort from the home front or doing special operations behind enemy lines gathering intel on enemy actions. The more representation of women in reenactment the better we can show the vital role they played in Canadian history.


Why should I join?

  • The Alberta World War Living History Association promotes personal growth intellectually by promoting individuals who write scholarly articles, books, creating online videos, and art. We push our members to become a more "active self" by hiking, running, and general sports. We develop a welcoming community for members to stay positive and thrive mentally.

  • We mentor our members to become leaders, and well rounded citizens.

  • Our association has the ability to get members their PALS/RPALS, hunters education, become either bagpipers, drummers,  highland dancers and help you complete the Duke of Edinburgh International Awards program.

  • We are, at the end of the day, a social circle that enjoy common interests.


Do I require a PAL/RPAL?

  • Yes,  we require that you have at least have your PAL after 1 year with us. If you don’t you will not be permitted to handle firearms. Members without a PAL will be limited to unloaded airsoft rifles that are approved by the board by safe vendors.

  • If a member is not able to acquire a PAL, we will require you to get a criminal record check.

  • We will help you acquire your PAL through yearly courses. 


Is there a cost?

  • Yes, we have yearly membership dues to cover incorporation expenses and member insurance, please contact us if you have questions about that.


Is there a minimum kit requirement?

  • No, but we do ask that after a year you have at minimum requirements (located in our Dress Regulations - email us for information). We will help you to get the kit together over time and we encourage new members to order at the same time to take advantage of discounts from approved/safe vendors.

  • Our members are able to loan out uniforms to those that would like to participate in full gear but don't have everything yet.


What does the AWWLHA allow members to portray as?

The AWWLHA allows its members to choose between a few units:

  • Primary Impression: The 13th Battalion, 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada (1914-1915) 

  • Central Powers Contingent: 101st Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 233 (1914-1915)

  • The Canadian Nursing Sisters (1914-1918)


What to expect at events?

1. Public events

  • At Public events the AWWLHA will sleep, eat, and live in period attire, giving the full experience to the public on how life in the era we are portraying was like. We interact with the public on the histories of the regiments portrayed, and present interactive activities that give the public a taste of history. Check out our homepage to find out which public events we'll be attending next.


2.  Private events  

  • Non-Tacticals: These events are made to educate our members about field craft, firearm safety, regimental history, drill, as well as dress and deportment of the regiment we are portraying. These events help make our members ready for the rough life style that tacticals offer. Some things we may do during these types of events: How to pack your kit, how to clean and maintain a rifle, how to wear the uniform, and field formations/ tactics.

  • Tacticals: These events put all the knowledge taught to our members to the test. We live in trenches, dugouts, or simply sleeping under a wool blanket in a field. We bring all the equipment needed into the field to live as authentically as possible. These events are hard physically and mentally, but we know our new recruits and members are up for the challenge with the training we provide in house.

  • Film Shoots: These events are usually contracted out by film companies to be extras in films. Usually we will be working with local museums, schools, or even major film works.  

  • Social Events: These events are to get the group together outside of reenactment and enjoy some shared interests. Either it be playing shinny on the local hockey rink, going hiking, watching movies, or having a few pints. We encourage members to be socially active.



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